Christ Sets Us Free

by Reverend Mr. Oscar Cervantes  |  06/26/2022  |  From the Clergy

Today we hear this psalm: Lord teach us the way of life. The Lord is not at all slow in responding since in the second reading he tells us clearly: Christ has set us free. So preserve your freedom and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.

Your vocation, brothers, is freedom. Rather, be servants of one another out of love. Because the law is summed up in a single precept: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Let us reflect on what is freedom, the second reading speaks to us about, it speaks to us about freedom from sin. Christ died for our sins and for love of us. He obeyed the father and gave his life for each of our sins and left us the most beautiful commandment to keep us free. The commandment we all struggle with is to love one another as yourself.

It gets complicated for us when we use human reasoning and judge our own actions and those of others for ourselves. However Christ knowing our human weakness still gave his life for you and me. He wanted to free us from that slavery and to continue helping us he sends us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us, we are not subject to law or sin.

Just open your heart and let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit, but don't stop feeding your spirituality. Christ also left us a food for eternal life that is his body and his precious blood, which we celebrated last weekend. Feed your soul with this divine food and let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit, so that you give testimony of faith with your actions. Finally, remember to announce the good news of the gospel which this Sunday's gospel asks of us.