Encountering Jesus

by Deacon Juan Carlos  |  10/30/2022  |  From the Clergy

Today's Gospel tells us a beautiful story of Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus, but this encounter has its complications and gossip (Luke 19:1-10). Zacchaeus wants to meet Jesus, but the people prevented him. This does not discourage Zacchaeus, but he springs into action and climbs a tree. Zacchaeus's action led him to have an encounter with Jesus who tells him: "Zacchaeus come down soon because today I am staying at your house." Seeing that Jesus is staying in Zacchaeus' house, the people began to murmur against Jesus, but Zacchaeus says something that earns him salvation, "Look, Lord, I am going to give half of my goods to the poor, and if I have defrauded someone, I will pay back four times as much."

Zaccheus had an encounter with Jesus who gives him: salvation, gives him a new life, he is no longer the same, changed his way of seeing things, changed his behavior and way of thinking.

Jesus is the Light that enlightens every man (John 1:9). Jesus enlightens us and makes us see the error in which we live. He enlightens us to live correctly, this is the symbol of conversion for all who seek and find Jesus. Jesus with his presence when accepted transforms the lives of people.

Perhaps on some occasions in the walk of our faith we have experienced that other people try to prevent us from knowing Jesus. Perhaps on some occasions we have also heard criticism and murmuring against us for following Jesus, for dedicating time to being with Him, for serving in the Church, but like Zacchaeus this does not have to stop us. Let's do what we have to do so that Jesus stays in our hearts, in our lives and thus be able to win salvation for ourselves and others.