Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

by Deacon Oscar Cervantes  |  11/20/2022  |  From the Clergy

Get ready for the Solemnity of the King of the Universe. Christ is the King of the universe and of each one of us.

He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. He is in each one of us with his message of love, justice and service. The Kingdom of Christ is eternal and universal. We know that the Kingdom of Christ has already begun, since He became present on earth from his coming to the world more than two thousand years ago, but Christ will reign over all men until he returns to the world with all his Glory at end of time.

On the feast of Christ the King we celebrate that Christ can begin to reign in our hearts at the moment we allow him, and thus the Kingdom of God can be present in our lives. In order for Jesus to reign in our lives, we must first know Christ. The reading and reflection of the Gospel, personal prayer and the sacraments are means to know him and from which graces are received that open our hearts to his love. Second, let us approach the Eucharist, God himself, to receive his abundance. Finally imitate Jesus Christ. Love will lead us without realizing it to think like Christ, want like Christ and feel like Christ, living a life of true Christian charity. When we imitate Christ by knowing and loving him then we can experience that the kingdom of Christ has begun in us.

Now, when we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King, at the end of the liturgical year, it is an opportunity to imitate these martyrs by publicly proclaiming that Christ is the King of our lives, the King of kings, the beginning and the end.