Jesus’ Transfiguration: “Listen to the voice of the Lord”
by Rev. Sleevaraj Pasala | 08/06/2023 | From the ClergyThe voice of the Lord is unfolded to us every day through the reading of the Scriptures and the sacraments, through family and good friends; Also in conversation with the Lord in prayer and adoration.
Do we read the Word and Listen to His Voice?
Do we pray and allow the Lord to speak to us?
Do we make an effort to listen to him?
Do not be caught up with the noises and voices of the world that lure us against God.
The worldly voices could be deceptive and misleading. Heavenly Father’s voice is clear and loud from the Gospel, ‘This is my beloved son, Listen to him.’ Listening to the Lord is obeying His will and transforming our lives into his image and likeness. There is power and strength in the voice of the Lord, there is peace and love in the voice of the Lord and there is compassion and mercy in the voice of the Lord. Let us listen to Jesus every day and become beloved children of God.