Forgive From the Heart

by Deacon Juan Carlos  |  09/17/2023  |  From the Clergy

When we have experienced the mercy of God in our lives we understand and it is easy for us to understand the story that the gospel presents to us this (24th Sunday in Ordinary Time), the image of the servant who owed a lot of money to the King is ours, The debt that each of us owes to God is enormous, and we cannot pay it (we cannot erase or pay for a single sin).

God loves us very much and that is why he sent his Son Jesus Christ to pay the debt that no one could, nor can we, pay.

The gospel also tells us that that man had barely left the meeting with the King who forgave him the debt, he met a companion who owed him little money and this man did not want to forgive his companion who owed him little, the King upon finding out gets upset

God asks us that, if we have received His forgiveness from Him, we must also have compassion and forgive those people who, according to us, have offended us and have hurt us. If we have received God's forgiveness, He is pleased that we also give forgiveness.

Some of the causes that he blocks us from forgiving and forgetting are resentment, hatred, anger against people, hardness of heart, etc.

When we cannot forgive, we must turn to God so that with his grace we can achieve it, “Only those who are capable of forgiving from the heart can have a right relationship with God.”