5th Sunday of Easter
by Deacon Oscar Cervantes | 04/28/2024 | From the ClergyThis past Sunday we heard the gospel of the good shepherd who knows his sheep by name and they know him by his voice. Thus Jesus knows each of us and it is through our baptism that he calls us to be part of his flock, since in our baptism he calls us to be priest, prophet and king, this is how he shares the kingdom with us. of the. Today we hear in the first reading how he calls Paul to serve as an apostle to bear witness to his word. This is how we become part of his vineyard and it is God the Father who is in charge of cutting off the branch that does not bear fruit in his son Jesus.
Today we lack much attention to the call that God makes us to serve in his church as disciples of Jesus. Just as Paul was not a perfect man and the other disciples were afraid of him, this is what happens to us today when God calls us to serve him, we want someone to be perfect but there is none since God is in charge of forming each one of us and He knows us by name and no matter where or how we are, he invites us to a conversion of heart to serve in his church.
We need more priestly vocations to bring the good news to the world and feed spiritually with that bread that came down from heaven, which is the Eucharist that has left us.
I invite the entire community to live as good disciples of Jesus, promoting the vocation to the priesthood in our families. Our Diocese needs that in domestic churches, that is, in families, for young people to be encouraged to take the path of priesthood. The love for Christ begins in our domestic church, in the home, and as good disciples we know and follow the voice of our shepherd, Jesus.