We Walk In Faith
by Deacon Juan Carlos Palomar | 06/16/2024 | From the ClergyThis 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time the apostle Saint Paul tells us in the second reading, “We walk guided by faith, without yet seeing.” (2 Corinthians 5:7). (Hebrews 11:1) tells us that “Faith is a guarantee of things hoped for and proof of things not seen.”
Faith is fundamental for us Christians, in the Creed we profess all our faith, but faith has to develop not just after being professed, it has to grow in each one of us and in the ecclesial communities. Faith should be like a mustard seed that is a very small seed but when it grows it becomes the largest bush. We must therefore constantly feed our faith so that it grows and is strengthened, a faith that has its roots in the Eucharist, in prayer, reading the Word, reading books about the lives of saints...
In the journey of our faith we will encounter tests, challenges, problems, illnesses, we will go through tribulations, perhaps we will ask ourselves in the difficult events of our lives, where is God in these moments when I need him? These will be the moments to demonstrate how robust your faith is, it is the moment to discern from faith the presence of God, the actions of God, and they will also be moments to decide if you abandon your faith or continue the path in faith, a faith that unites you more to Jesus.
“Faith needs to be rethought and lived with greater conviction, courage and enthusiasm, to offer all those we encounter a word of hope and a look of love.”
Rino Fisichella.
- Deacon Juan Carlos Palomar