St. Jude's Relic

by Rev. Adrian Cisneros  |  08/04/2024  |  From the Clergy

Greetings my good people of St. Stanislaus!

What a hot, busy and exciting summer we are having so far!

Praise be to God we are finally back in the church on Maze Blvd. It took a lot to get here, and we had the help of A LOT of people the last few weeks leading up the the re-opening and a lot of great help re-opening weekend. From food, to table and tent set up, to tour guides to dessert, adoration and singing-what a blessed and beautiful weekend, and I could not have thought of a better 5 year anniversary of my priesthood on July 6th! Thank you to everyone who helped me and our parish.

In being out of the church on Maze for a little over a year, I forgot how truly beautiful our church building is. Seeing it filled with scaffolding, tarps, dust and workers, I had forgotten the beauty of that building and what a blessing it is to the Modesto area. For a while it seemed impossible to get back in there in the five weeks leading up to July 6th, but we made it. Coming up very soon, our parish will be welcoming Fr. Carlos Martins and the relic of the Arm of St. Jude Thaddeus on Wednesday, August 7th. This is a really exciting experience for our parish community. St. Jude is one of the most popular saints of all time and is the Parton of a lot of things, most notably the Parton saint of impossible causes. Please start asking his intersession and bring to him those impossible things you have in your life. Please see the posters and the bulletin for times of events for August 7th. St. Jude, pray for us!

Rev. Adrian Cisneros