St. Stanislaus Catholic School Preschool-8th Grade

by Amanda Miranda  |  09/08/2024  |  From the Clergy

“Oh, I praise that mercy of yours which is beyond praising, and I adore in thanksgiving your most loving kindness from the depths of my nothingness.” – St. Gertrude

This week’s gospel reading is a beautiful reminder that we should never despair of the power of God. There is no soul here on Earth that is too hardened, no task too impossible, to be penetrated by Christ’s love and power. In times of spiritual drought or discouragement, it's essential that we remember that God's love and forgiveness can penetrate even the hardest hearts and revive stagnant souls.

When we feel overwhelmed by our shortcomings or sins, we should turn to Christ, allowing Him to guide us away from distractions and renew our faith through prayer and self-discipline. His transformative power is always available, urging us to seek deeper connection and grace. I pray that each of us is filled with a desire to follow Christ through thick and thin, calling upon him in the business of life, and asking Him to calm our minds and doubts so that we can clearly see that path that leads us to Him and to our salvation. I pray that in this ever changing world, where temptation lurks around every corner, we choose Christ; and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we may be Christ’s voice for those around us, especially for those in the greatest need of the power of Christ’s love.

May Christ’s love transform you this week, and fill you with abundant joy!

~Amanda Miranda
St. Stanislaus Catholic School