Liturgical Celebrations
Saturday Vigil (English) | 5:00pm | Maze Blvd |
Saturday Vigil (Spanish) | 7:00pm | Maze Blvd |
Sunday (English) | 8:00am, 10:00am | Maze Blvd |
Sunday (Spanish) | 12:00pm, 2:00pm | Maze Blvd |
Sunday (Spanish) | 7:00pm | Maze Blvd |
Monday – Friday (English) | 12:10pm | J Street |
Monday – Friday (Spanish) | 8:00am | J Street |
Confessions at Church on Maze Blvd
Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm
Saturday 8:00-10:00am
Other times by appointment.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 12:00pm and 1:00-5:00pm
Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00pm
Daily Masses at 709 J St, Modesto CA 95354 ✟ Sunday Masses at 1200 Maze Blvd, Modesto CA 95354
Flocknote Sign Up
Mission Statement
Gathered as one around Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, we seek to build a strong family of faith. In our diversity, sensitive to the needs of all, we journey together to our heavenly homeland, encouraging all to share their gifts and live the will of God.
From the Clergy
St. Stanislaus Catholic School Preschool-8th Grade
09-08-2024 | Amanda Miranda“Oh, I praise that mercy of yours which is beyond praising, and I adore in thanksgiving your most loving kindness from the depths of my nothingness.” – St. Gertrude
This week’s gospel reading is a beautiful reminder that we should never despair of the power of God. There is no soul here on Earth that is too hardened, no task too impossible, to be penetrated by Christ’s love and power. In times of spiritual drought or discouragement, it's essential that we remember that God's love and forgiveness can penetrate even the hardest hearts and revive stagnant souls.
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Grief Share
Join us at Grief Share! Weekly on Wednesday's from 1:00pm-2:45pm.
Annual Fall Festival
Join us for a Carnival, Movie Night, Food, Live Music, Games, Bingo, Auction and much more!
Raffle to Benefit the Seminarian Education
Diocese of Stockton Bishop’s Seminarians 70/20/10 Raffle for the Benefit of Seminarian Education Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus:
Bishop's Ministry Appeal
Prayerful Giving
Your 2024 gift to the BMA will provide needed funds to support a variety ministries of the Diocese of Stockton & your parish.
The collective participation of all our parishioners is vital to the success of the Bishop’s Ministry Appeal. Your kind support is needed this year to ensure that these critical diocesan ministries continue to serve our communities and build up the Kingdom of God.