Liturgical Celebrations
Saturday Vigil (English) | 5:00pm | Maze Blvd |
Saturday Vigil (Spanish) | 7:00pm | Maze Blvd |
Sunday (English) | 8:00am, 10:00am | Maze Blvd |
Sunday (Spanish) | 12:00pm, 2:00pm | Maze Blvd |
Sunday (Spanish) | 7:00pm | Maze Blvd |
Monday – Friday (English) | 12:10pm | J Street |
Monday – Friday (Spanish) | 8:00am | J Street |
Confessions at Church on Maze Blvd
Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm
Saturday 8:00-10:00am
Other times by appointment.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 12:00pm and 1:00-5:00pm
Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00pm
Daily Masses at 709 J St, Modesto CA 95354 ✟ Sunday Masses at 1200 Maze Blvd, Modesto CA 95354
Flocknote Sign Up
Mission Statement
Gathered as one around Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, we seek to build a strong family of faith. In our diversity, sensitive to the needs of all, we journey together to our heavenly homeland, encouraging all to share their gifts and live the will of God.
From the Clergy
Lord, All I have is Yours
10-13-2024 | ©LPi — Father John MuirThis week we hear of the man who inquires of Jesus how to obtain eternal life. He rejects Jesus’ invitation to sell his goods, give to the poor, and follow Jesus. Mark tells us this devastatingly sad line, “At this saying, his countenance fell and he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions” (Mark 10:22). The man’s heart wasn’t centered on Jesus, but on his possessions. Perhaps Jesus intuited this. Now, we don’t know if Jesus intended to actually make him go through with it, like God’s call to test Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac. But sadly, in this case the willingness was not there to entrust everything to Jesus. And this made the man deeply sad.
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Grief Share
Join us at Grief Share! Weekly on Wednesday's from 1:00pm-2:45pm.
Monday Night Football Fundraiser
Join us for our annual Monday Night Football Fundraiser on Mon, Oct 21 at 5:30pm.
Bishop's Ministry Appeal
Prayerful Giving
Your 2024 gift to the BMA will provide needed funds to support a variety ministries of the Diocese of Stockton & your parish.
The collective participation of all our parishioners is vital to the success of the Bishop’s Ministry Appeal. Your kind support is needed this year to ensure that these critical diocesan ministries continue to serve our communities and build up the Kingdom of God.