Jesus is risen-alleluia, alleluia!

by Rev. Adrian Cisneros  |  03/31/2024  |  From the Clergy

Easter is not just another holiday, not just another time to host a brunch or party, we are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and as the prayers in a funeral Mass remind us, just as we will share in the death of Jesus, so will we also share in his resurrection. This is why Easter is the biggest and most joyful thing we celebrate in our Catholic faith. This is where the saying “we are Easter people” really comes to life.


Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

by Bishop Myron J. Cotta, D.D.  |  03/24/2024  |  From the Clergy

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have arrived at the midpoint of the Lenten season and I hope that all are persevering in their Lenten practices of prayer and penance. Again, I encourage you to offer your prayers, rosaries, visits to the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration, Mass intentions and all penitential sacrifices for peace in this world. We pray for an end to the war in the Holy Land, Ukraine, and the troubled nations of Africa. We pray for an end to terrorism, atrocities, political oppression and other injustices that are sins against God and humanity.


5th Week of Lent

by Rev. Vijaya Yemparala  |  03/17/2024  |  From the Clergy

Every day of this Lenten season we prepare ourselves to renew our baptismal promises, together with the whole Church, during the Easter vigil service on Holy Saturday night. The Holy week of the Lenten season culminates in the renewal of our baptismal vows during the Easter Vigil or on Easter Day. Through our enlightened and more committed renewal of our baptismal vows we receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.


Lent: Listening and transformation

by Rev. Sergio Arcila  |  03/10/2024  |  From the Clergy

Dear friends, we have already walked more than two weeks of our 2024 Lenten walk/desert. And many of us heard the announcement and invitation of the Lord Jesus: “The time has come and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel” (Mark 1:15) There has come a time of great importance to stop on the path/life and allow ourselves to be questioned by the Lord about our conduct in life in the face of the proposal of the Kingdom of God. More than talking about the “Kingdom of God/Heavens” is to live it and make it present in every moment of our life project. Living the Kingdom of God is living as Jesus lived. Hence the need for “attentive listening to Jesus himself.”


3rd Sunday of Lent

by Deacon Oscar Cervantes  |  03/03/2024  |  From the Clergy

On this third Sunday of Lent we look at how the word of God speaks to us through the scriptures, it reminds us of the commandments and how we should behave since he is a jealous God and he knows our thoughts and knows well where we fail in our life. He reminds us how we should behave, so that we can be in grace with him, since he has words of eternal life and in him there is no fault.


Bishop Myron J. Cotta, D.D February Reflection

by Bishop Myron J. Cotta, D.D.  |  02/25/2024  |  From the Clergy

“Proclaim the message, insist on it in season and out of season, refute falsehood, correct error, call to obedience, but do all with patience and sound doctrine.” (2 Tm 4:2)

Ash Wednesday opens the door for us to cross the threshold into the Lenten Season. The 40 days can be seen as the season of: the wake-up call! It is a time for us to reflect on how our sins have contributed to the spiritual darkness, not only in our own lives but that of society.


Conversion/Return to God

by Deacon Juan Carlos  |  02/18/2024  |  From the Clergy

We have begun Lent, a time in which we are invited to search deeper into the paths of our conversion, on a personal and community level.

The Church defines that when a person has an encounter with Jesus, they have begun a path of faith and conversion, initiated a change of life, heart and thought.

Conversion is a return to God, it is the message of Jesus in the Gospel of this first Sunday of Lent “The time has come and the Kingdom of God is near. Convert and believe in the Gospel (Mark 1:15).”


Lent Reflection

by Deacon José  |  02/11/2024  |  From the Clergy

When we are having a party at home, we take the time to prepare for it. We clean the house, we cook, we do some grocery shopping, and we try our best to make our house look the best possible.

The Church does the same. We always take some time to prepare the feasts. For instance, we take about four weeks to prepare for the birth of Baby Jesus (Advent).


Hello, people of St. Stanislaus!

02/04/2024  |  From the Clergy

Hello, people of St. Stanislaus!

Can you believe it is already February of 2024, and that Lent starts on February 14th?

I guess I am getting old as people tell me the older you get, the faster time goes by. Fr. Sergio has been back in Columbia since January 7th; I will be back in both Spanish and English Mass rotation once Lent begins because he will return just before Ash Wednesday.


Bishop Myron J. Cotta, D.D Monthly Reflection

by Bishop Cotta  |  01/28/2024  |  From the Clergy

My Dear People of God,

“A holy day has dawned upon us. Come, you nations, and adore the Lord. Today a great light has come upon the earth.”

This Gospel Acclamation of Christmas Day announces to the world that God is calling all of humanity, all nations, to adore him! It is a call to the people of our day and age, to acknowledge that, truly, “a holy day has dawned upon us in this New Year! We are invited in this New Year to: “Come and adore Him!”


Parish School: Open House and Kindergarten Preview

by Amanda Miranda  |  01/21/2024  |  From the Clergy

All parents of students from Preschool to 8th grade for the 2024-25 School Year are welcome to join us and find out more about our school and the beautiful gift of Catholic education.


The Holy Name of Jesus

by Rev. Vijaya Yemparala  |  01/14/2024  |  From the Clergy

In the Catholic Church the Month of January is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus. Everything about our divine Lord is holy, including His Name. It was the Archangel Gabriel who first spoke the name of Jesus to His mother, “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus” (Luke 1:31). The Archangel was only a messenger, so the name of Jesus was given to Him by the Father in Heaven.


Mary The Star That Guides Us To Jesus

by Deacon Juan Carlos  |  01/07/2024  |  From the Clergy

This Sunday, January 7, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, the revelation of God to the Gentiles, to non-Jews, “…we are all now partakers of the same promise of salvation in Jesus Christ”(Eph. 3:6 ).

Today's Gospel (Mt. (2:1-12) tells us that a star appears to the wise men (the name given at that time to men who studied the universe) and guides them to Jesus, to the Messiah and Savior of humanity.
