3rd Sunday of Advent: A Witness of the Light
by Deacon Oscar Cervantes | 12/17/2023 | From the ClergyIt is curious how the fourth gospel presents the figure of the Baptist. He is a man without more importance or qualities that highlight it. It tells us nothing about its origins or his social status. He himself knows that it is not important. He is not the Messiah, he is not Elijah, he is not even the prophet that everyone was waiting for. He only sees himself as the voice that screams in the desert: “pave the way for the Lord.” However, God sends him as a witness of the light, capable of awakening everyone's faith. A person who can spread light and life. What is witness the light?
The witness is like Juan. He does not consider himself important. He does not seek to be original or attract attention. He does not try to shock anyone. He simply lives his life in a convinced way. You can see how God illuminates his life. He illuminates him in his way of living and believing.
How could we live a life of light today in this world where darkness tries more every day to cover our actions and way of thinking, trying more and more to make us self centered and have great selfishness and vanity.
Brother parishioners, I invite you in this new time of Advent to try to follow that light. that God shares with us in our baptism and share it with the most needy to also be that light that illuminates the path of others to God.
-Deacon Oscar Cervantes