August 17

08/17/2023  |  Repair

The exterior demo work of the church on Maze Blvd. is nearly complete with only a few small areas and the dome remaining. A "green" weather proofing barrier has been installed around the entire church's exterior. Next will be another barrier "blue" and prep coating before stucco can be reapplied. All windows needing repair have been removed and being worked on and the extensive work on the dome is well underway. The repair project is moving along smoothly and continues to be on schedule for completion before Holy Week 2024.


July 29

by Fr. Adrian Cisneros  |  07/29/2023  |  Repair

My dear St. Stanislaus family,

I pray that your summer is going well and that you are able to slow down little bit, or at least re-charge bit. have completed one year as the parochial administrator of St. Stanislaus, and as of July 6th four years as priest-time has gone by so fast!


June 8

06/08/2023  |  Repair

As we begin the month of June, a lot more is happening with the church on Maze Blvd.'s year-long repair project. Scaffolding has been put up around the entire church. The windows just under the dome have been removed.The exterior stucco and most of the mid-level windows have been removed. In the next few weeks, all exterior stucco will be removed, bracing of the metal wall studs will begin, and the lower windows will be removed.


May 26

05/26/2023  |  Repair

As we approach the end of May here's a quick update on the church's year-long repair project. Sections of the exterior stucco have been removed, upper windows are currently being repaired and lower windows will start being removed. In the next few weeks, all exterior stucco will be removed, bracing of the metal wall studs will begin, and the remaining lower windows will be removed.


May 12

05/12/2023  |  Repair

As we approach the end of our first month of the church's year-long repair project, the exterior stucco is starting to be removed. The roof tiles have been completely removed and most of the upper windows are now out of the building for repair. In the coming weeks, more scaffolding will be set up outside the church and lower windows will begin being removed.


April 28

04/28/2023  |  Repair

The second week of the church's year-long repair project is complete. Scaffolding has been set up to remove all of the interior windows. Next week the upper windows and roof tiles will start to be removed.


April 21

04/21/2023  |  Repair

Early this morning (4/17), ACME Construction began prepping the church on Maze Blvd. for the nearly year-long repair process. A construction fence has been installed around the church, equipment has started to be brought in, landscaping around the church is being removed, pews and flooring are being covered.

In the coming days, scaffolding will be put up inside and outside the church and the roof tile removal will begin.

Please pray during this process and ask for the intercession of St. Francis of Assisi that not only do we repair the church building but also renew the parishioners and baptized of St. Stanislaus Catholic Community who are our true church!!


April 19

04/19/2023  |  Repair

What a difference a day makes! Mon, Apr 17 was Day 1 of the nearly year-long church repair project.

Masses this weekend, Apr 22/23 will be held at the old church (709 J Street) and community center (1416 Maze Blvd.).
